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What does 1st Mean on LinkedIn (+More Connection Questions)

LinkedIn connections are important because they provide a way for us to network and build relationships with other professionals in our field or industry. By making connections, we can join LinkedIn groups related to our interests, send messages to potential employers or clients, find job opportunities, stay up-to-date on professional news, ask questions, and more.

If you’ve ever noticed the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd indicators on LinkedIn you might have wondered what these mean and why they are important. Good news, the answer is pretty simple. These numbers tell us how closely connected we are with other Linkedin users. This guide will explore the meaning of “1st” on LinkedIn, as well as provide an overview of how to make and leverage connections on the professional networking platform.

What Does 1st Mean on Linkedin?

When you see a LinkedIn profile that says “1st” near the LinkedIn member’s name or in the search results it means that this is someone you are directly connected to. Either you accepted their invitation to connect or they accepted your invitation.

You can contact your 1st degree connections via a normal LinkedIn message.

What Does 2nd Mean on Linkedin?

When you see a 2nd degree connection, this means the LinkedIn member is connected to one of your 1st degree connections.

Oftentimes, you do not have the ability to contact 2nd degree connections via direct message. Instead, you can contact them through an InMail. You might also ask one of your mutual connections to provide an introduction. After you’ve been introduced you can send them a connection request.

What Does 3rd Mean on Linkedin?

3rd degree LinkedIn connections are very similar to 2nd degree. Users that show “3rd” are connected to people you have a 2nd degree connection with.

Similar to 2nd degree connections, you may not be able to send them a direct message so you may have to InMail them (if available) or request an introduction from a mutual connection.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

What is LinkedIn InMail?

InMail is a premium LinkedIn message tool that allows you to send a direct message to fellow members of the platform that you are not yet connected with.

What does Out of Network mean?

These are LinkedIn members who are not a first degree connection, second degree connection, or third degree connection. In order to contact these LinkedIn members you will likely need contact them through an InMail or send them a connection invite.

How do you change the degree of your LinkedIn connections?

You can change a 2nd degree or 3rd degree connection to a 1st degree connection by sending connection requests. Connection requests to other users acts as a LinkedIn invitation to establish a relationship on the platform.


Understanding the meaning of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree connections on LinkedIn can help you make sense of the professional networking platform and how its connections work. As a result, you can use this knowledge to your advantage to build relationships with potential employers or clients, stay up-to-date on industry news, find job opportunities and more.

LinkedIn connections are an incredible way to create and expand a healthy network and establish valuable professional relationships that can benefit you for years to come.

Have more questions about LinkedIn connections, your LinkedIn profile, or job search strategies using LinkedIn? Check out these resources:

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Schedule a 1-on-1 LinkedIn Strategy Session!

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