white piggy bank with cash sticking out from fast tracking your job hunt

3 Major Tips to Fast-Track Your Job Hunt

Do you feel like you’ve been sending out resumes and submitting online applications for months with no end in sight? You’re not alone. Millions of people are currently job hunting which might be comforting but also means that the competition out there is fierce.

The good news is that there are ways to speed up your job search and make yourself stand out at the same time. In this article, I’ve put together my top tips for boosting your job hunt and after reading this article you’ll be that much closer to landing your dream job. Let’s dive in!

Revamp Your Resume

It’s no secret that your resume is often the first impression you have with potential employers so it only makes sense to start here.

The Basics of a Good Resume

There are many different things you can do to strengthen and improve your resume, and the key to success is knowing what strategies will work best for your industry and specific situation.

Here are a few basic tips that can help to make your resume stand out:

1. Be sure to tailor your resume to the job you want, NOT the jobs you’ve had in the past.

It’s important to start with the end in mind. What are your ultimate career goals? Do you know what kind of roles you’d like to interview for? If not, start to consider this as you search the online job boards and save three to five job postings that interest you.

Next, look for similarities in these postings. Frequently used keywords in the job description or desired qualifications are signs that these terms should also be in your resume.

Make a list of these terms and incorporate them (where it makes sense!) as you revise your resume in the next step.

Including these terms in your resume tells recruiters and hiring managers that you could be a great fit for their team. It also helps with the Applicant Tracking System which we discuss further down.

2. Make sure that your experience, skills, education, and certifications are clearly outlined on the resume.

Your experience should be listed in reverse-chronological order, ie. most recent at the top. If you worked at the same company for 10 years and had 3 different positions, list each one separately. This allows you to tell the story of your career journey, shows your career progression, and allows you to detail how your skillset has developed over time.

In addition, make sure you are focused on the results you achieved instead of vague descriptions of responsibilities. Consider how you can quantify your skills and achievements.

If you were in sales, what kind of revenue did you bring in?

If you received awards, were you number one in your department or top three in the entire company?

These little details can make you stand out in the crowd.

3. Finally, attention to detail is key.

Make sure to proofread and revise your resume carefully before sending it off, paying close attention to things like spelling and grammatical errors as well as inconsistencies in formatting.

Taking the time to get this step right can make all the difference when it comes to presenting yourself in the best possible light to potential employers.

Need help checking for errors? Use a free tool like Grammarly to double-check your resume and even get instant tips for more concise and impressive wording!

Formatting for Applicant Tracking Systems

If you’ve never heard of an Applicant Tracking System you’re not alone! An applicant tracking system, or ATS, is software that is used by organizations to manage job applications and candidate information.

Typically, an ATS helps companies to sort and filter resumes according to a set of pre-determined criteria. This allows them to quickly identify the most qualified candidates for each position and make more informed hiring decisions.

In addition, many ATS tools also have features that allow recruiters to correspond with candidates as well as schedule interviews. Overall, an applicant tracking system is an essential tool for any business looking to streamline their recruiting process and find top talent.

According to Jobscan, over 98% of Fortune 500 companies use some version of an ATS. That number is slightly lower for large organizations that are not in the Fortune 500 (about 68%). Even about 35% of small organizations use an ATS.

There is one huge problem with using an ATS, though. These software programs frequently disqualify perfectly good candidates. Why? Because poorly formatted resumes sometimes do not make it through the resume scanning process.

This is why the formatting and keywords within your resume are so important!

If you want to make sure your resume can successfully pass through an ATS, you may want to try running it through a scanner like this one.

Request Feedback

Once you’ve polished up your resume it never hurts to get a second or third pair of eyes on it.

Enlist the help of your family and friends to provide honest feedback. They may notice errors that you overlooked or provide insight into amazing talents that you forgot to list. This is also an excellent way to identify what stands out and what does not.

With these simple steps in mind, you can easily transform your resume into a powerful tool that will help you land the job of your dreams!

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Now that you have a shiny, new resume it’s time to put that thing to work! Use your resume as a guide to update your LinkedIn profile.

Here’s a quick list of things to check on your profile page:

  • Do you have a professional-looking profile picture?
  • Are you taking advantage of the Headline space?
  • Have you filled out the About section?
  • Is your Experience section up to date?
  • Did you add Skills that are relevant to the jobs you are applying to?

You might be wondering, “Do I REALLY need to be on LinkedIn to find my next job?”.

The short answer: No.

The real answer: It can drastically improve the success of your job search.

Why is LinkedIn so important? Simply put, it is one of the most important tools for job seekers today. This professional network platform allows you to connect with potential employers and recruiters and also provides a wealth of information about the job market.

By researching companies on LinkedIn, you can gain valuable insights into what skills and qualifications are currently in demand, allowing you to tailor your resume and cover letter accordingly. (Remember that from the resume section above?)

Additionally, most companies will post job openings on LinkedIn, so you can stay up-to-date with current trends and find new opportunities quickly and easily. Overall, if you’re looking for a new job or career, there’s no better platform than LinkedIn.

Need help talking through your LinkedIn profile or job search strategy? Click here to book a 1-on-1 strategy session with me!

Manage Your Mindset

Mindset? Ugh. I know. Who wants to stop to think about mindset stuff? You might be tempted to skip right past this section but you might find that you’re doing yourself a disservice.

Let’s face it. Searching for jobs can be an exhausting process filled with high hopes and disappointing lows. This cycle can easily lead to burnout if you don’t prioritize having a positive mindset along the way.

Put a Stop to Negative Self-Talk

Have you ever had these thoughts while reading a job posting?

  • “I don’t have enough of the ‘desired qualifications. I shouldn’t even waste my time applying.”
  • “They’re probably looking for someone with more experience.”
  • “The responsibilities listed look pretty challenging. I don’t think I could do all of that.”

These kinds of thoughts are often a result of imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome can affect people across a wide variety of professions and backgrounds – specifically, those who are otherwise considered high-achievers.

Some of the common symptoms of imposter syndrome include feelings of self-doubt, fear of failure, and constant worry about being found out for not really knowing what you’re doing.

Although these feelings are completely normal, it’s important to recognize that they are not reflective of your true abilities or potential.

With time and practice, you can being to recognize and reframe these negative thoughts. Eventually, you will begin to feel more confident in your abilities, and you will realize that imposter syndrome is just a temporary feeling that accompanies any big change or transition.

If you find yourself struggling with imposter syndrome check out this article with 10 imposter syndrome quotes from famous – and wildly successful – women.

Welcome Failure with Open Arms

Failure is never an easy pill to swallow. Whether it’s a rejected job application, a botched interview, or the dreaded “thanks but no thanks” email after a multi-part hiring process, failure during your job hunt is sometimes unavoidable. However, how you handle it makes all the difference.

Remember that every so-called failure is an opportunity to learn something new and improve for next time

Didn’t get the callback after your interview? That’s OK. Just think of it as interview practice. Write down the interview questions you were asked and think about if there is a better way to answer them next time.

Stumbled over your words while trying to negotiate your job offer? No big deal. Determine which part made you most nervous and create a script to use next time.

Of course, this is easier said than done but a little positivity can go a long way. And it doesn’t hurt to remember that every expert was once a beginner who made their fair share of mistakes too.

Need more insight on becoming free from the fear of failure? Check out this interview with Authority Magazine.

Remember to Advocate for Yourself

Last but certainly not least is the importance of advocating for yourself. The idea of self-advocacy can be scary but it’s important to remember that if you don’t do it, no one else will.

In order to advocate for yourself during your job search you first need to be clear about your own strengths and qualifications. This may mean doing some research on the company you’re interested in and preparing a list of specific examples that demonstrate why you are a good fit for the position.

It’s also important to be prepared to talk about any challenges or setbacks that you may have faced in your career, as these can often be valuable learning experiences that demonstrate your ability to accept constructive criticism and persevere through difficult circumstances.

Once you’ve done this initial prep work, you should be able to more confidently articulate why a company would be lucky to have you on their team.

And don’t forget, interviews are also an opportunity for you to decide if you actually want to work for this company. Don’t be afraid to ask the questions that really matter to you.

Example questions might include:

  • How would my success in this role be measured?
  • What does my potential career progression beyond this role look like?
  • Can you describe the workplace culture?
  • May I schedule a call with someone currently in this role to get more insight into the day-to-day responsibilities?
  • What is the expected salary range for this role?

By approaching the hiring process with confidence and careful preparation, it’s possible to effectively advocate for yourself while still leaving a positive impression on your potential employer.

Still unsure of where to start with self-advocacy? Learn three simple ways to develop and use it here.


Searching for a new job doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. By following the tips laid out in this article you are giving yourself a leg up on your competition and avoiding many common pitfalls along the way. Happy hunting!

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