3 Things You Should Be Pinning to Your PowerPoint File Menu

3 Things You Should be Pinning to Your PowerPoint Menu

This week we’re talking about 3 things you should be pinning to your PowerPoint File (or Home for my Mac friends) menu.

But before we jump into that, I just have to say…

I. Am. So. Excited.

This week marks a very special change to the blog going forward thanks to feedback from YOU.

From now on, you can expect to see bite-sized, easy-to-understand videos accompanying each week’s topic.

Thank you to everyone who said, “Whitney, this is super helpful but I need to SEE it!”

I got you covered!

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.


In case you’re not familiar, “pinning” is a rarely discussed feature of PowerPoint that might just become one of your secret weapons for your race against the clock. Pinning templates, files, and even folder locations allows you to be sure that these items will stay at the top of their respective lists which means no more losing valuable time clicking around trying to find the things you need. You can pin all of your frequently used content by clicking the image of a thumbtack whenever you see it pop up.

Pinning Templates and Themes

If you’re a PowerPoint theme or template user then you likely have your favorites that took some time to nail down. Pinning your favorites to the File menu will allow you to start a new presentation with just a few quick clicks. You’ll find the option to pin these in the “New” tab of your File menu.

Pinning Presentations You’re Working On

If you often find yourself searching for your files within PowerPoint, you’ll be excited to learn this little trick. Pinning your current projects or frequently referenced presentations makes finding them a breeze. You can do this from the Open tab of your File menu.

Pinning Folders

The last of the 3 things you should be pinning to your PowerPoint file menu is folders. If you typically save your presentations to the same folders, time to work smarter! You can pin these on the Save and Save As tab of the File menu.



So, what would you do with an extra hour? Head to your favorite restaurant and actually take advantage of those amazing-yet-elusive happy hour deals? Do a belly flop onto the couch and enjoy a few minutes of complete silence before your kids get home from school? Put your phone on Do Not Disturb and get in that exercise that keeps getting pushed off? (Typing this as I look at my dusty Peloton. 😅)

Whatever your answer, I know how important your time is and I hope this shaves a few minutes off of your PowerPoint creation.

Interested in exploring a few more time-saving tips? Check out this Related Read: Random PowerPoint Time-Savers

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