
What does 1st Mean on LinkedIn (+More Connection Questions)

What does 1st Mean on LinkedIn (+More Connection Questions)

LinkedIn connections are important because they provide a way for us to network and build relationships with other professionals in our field or industry. By making connections, we can join LinkedIn groups related to our interests, send messages to potential employers or clients, find job opportunities, stay up-to-date on professional news, ask questions, and more….

Explained! How To Block Someone On LinkedIn? (+ How to Unblock)

Explained! How To Block Someone On LinkedIn? (+ How to Unblock)

Many people use LinkedIn to network, build relationships, and connect with like-minded professionals in their field. However, since this is ultimately just another social network there may be times when you don’t want someone to be able to see your LinkedIn profile or your LinkedIn activity. When this happens, you may choose to block this…