PowerPoint Presenter Coach

PowerPoint Presenter Coach

I recall hearing a statement years ago that has stuck with me ever since. If you’re a Seinfeld fan you’ll appreciate this reference.

The average person’s number one fear is public speaking. That means that if you go to a funeral, most people would rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy.

-Jerry Seinfeld

I love this because it’s funny and morbid and insightful all rolled into one. Just my kind of humor.

Now, Jerry may be exaggerating a bit but it’s true that public speaking is a widespread fear. So, Microsoft has decided to step in and offer a helping hand with the PowerPoint Presenter Coach.

By utilizing your computer’s microphone, camera, and a little artificial intelligence (of course!), PowerPoint can provide coaching and guidance on a number of things that will improve how you present and your overall confidence in doing so.

As of 2021, the PowerPoint Presenter Coach is available on Microsoft 365 for all platforms – including IOS and Android which means you can even get coaching on the go! So let’s take a look at three of the best features and, if you’re feeling adventurous, download the free guide at the end of this post that goes into even more of its amazing abilities.

Practice Pace and Timing

Have you ever noticed that when a presenter is nervous they tend to speak at warp speed? This is a common phenomenon that affects introverts and extroverts alike. Anxiety related to public speaking is often the cause but there are also some people who simply speak faster than others. Unfortunately, research tells us that speaking too quickly can often result in reduced audience comprehension and recall. On the flip side, speaking too slowly can have a negative effect as well.

One of the best features of the Presenter Coach is its ability to provide feedback on your pace and timing when speaking. Simply turn on the Coach and practice presenting your PowerPoint out loud. Afterward, you’ll receive a summary report that provides a graph showing your speaking rate over time. The report will also provide feedback on whether you should slow down, speed up, or keep the same timing.

Receive Coaching on Filler Words

If I had to choose a presenter’s arch-nemesis it would be filler words.

Um. Like. So. Y’know. Actually. Right.

Those little words and phrases you use to catch your breath and steady your mind can be detrimental to an otherwise great presentation. Even though filler words are widely accepted in normal conversation, audiences often believe that presenters who use too many filler words are not confident in the validity of their content.

Add to that, the fact that we don’t even notice we’re using them until someone else points it out and it can be a recipe for disaster. No need to worry, though. Now, you can let that “someone” be the Presenter Coach. The handy summary report catches repetitive words and phrases, displays them on screen, and provides tips on how to eliminate them. I don’t know about you but I’d much rather receive this type of critique from a computer than a person any day. Seems like a win to me!

Gain Insight into Sensitive Phrases

Last but certainly not least is the Coach’s ability to identify and educate us on sensitive phrases. The software listens for many different types of culturally sensitive phrases related to disability, genderracesexual orientationmental health, and much more. Reducing the inclusion of such phrases can help to ensure that no one in your audience feels alienated. Once again, the summary report will provide feedback on identified phrases that should be reviewed. 


This just scratches the surface of what is possible with the PowerPoint Presenter Coach. Interested to know how a computer program can coach you on body language? Sounds creepy at first but it’s actually pretty cool. Grab the free guide below that details 3 more ways the Coach is helping professionals improve their presentations every day. Comment below and let me know which feature would help you improve the most. Hey, I’m might even dedicate my next post to presentation tips!

Know someone else who would love to take advantage of this personal, non-human coach? Send this post to a friend with the “share” buttons below!

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